Amount of money lost by seniors to fraud in 2020


Increase in Elder Scams from 2019 to 2020

Age of people at higher risk

Your Parents are Vulnerable!

If your parents are gullible, they’re vulnerable! If your parents have been hacked before, they’re even more vulnerable!

Elder fraud is REAL!

The best way to protect them is to EDUCATE them.

Our Phishing File outlines the Three Telltale Signs of Phishing email scams to keep your parents safe from being hacked, scammed, or worse!  We’ve used these concepts to help thousands of older adults protect themselves from scams.

Curious?  Download our FREE 1 page Phishing Tipsheet today before making your purchase!

Purchase the Phishing File

Protect yourself from email phishing scams with this downloadable PDF.  It includes:

  • The Three Tell-Tale Signs of Phishing Scams
  • Multiple Real-Life Examples of phishing emails with a breakdown of what to look out for.
  • Ability to save the file to your computer for easy, any-time access for future reference.

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(480) 544-7060

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