A Senior’s Guide to Playing Safe Online

A Senior’s Guide to Playing Safe Online

Even for the older generation, being online is becoming a common occurrence.The pandemic forced much of the population to electronic devices for social interaction and other basic tasks, which meant an ageing generation found themselves heading online. It may have...
World Password Day Tips

World Password Day Tips

May 5 is World Password Day, a global chance for families and companies to improve their password habits. According to recent password statistics, over 80% of data breaches are due to poor password security, and 51% of people have the same password for their work and...
Spring Clean

Spring Clean

According to the American Lung Association, 90% of Americans spend their time indoors and are unaware of the dust accumulating around them! ‘Tis the season to spring-clean, right – but we forget to apply this time-honored ritual to our precious devices. They...
Powerful or Powerless?

Powerful or Powerless?

We recently moved and as I was getting settled in my new and improved office (with a door!), I began to notice intermittent power losses coming from my USB hub.  I got under the desk and started investigating what the cause may be.  The first thing that...
Cankle Cancel Culture

Cankle Cancel Culture

“What position do you play on the soccer team?” “Are you a dancer?” “You have such strong legs, have you always been an athlete?” NO! NO! NO! Listen, I have strong legs.  Growing up strangers would ask me what position I played on the soccer team because my...